Monday, November 7, 2011

Victory over struggling

November 7

…we will be victorious if we have not forgotten how to learn. –Rosa Luxemburg

               For most of us the struggle was long, painful, and lonely to the place where we are now. But survive we have, and survive we will. The times we thought we could go no further are only dimly recalled. The experiences we were certain would destroy us fit ever so neatly into our book of memories.

               We have survived, and the program is offering us the means for continued survival. Step by step we are learning to handle our problems, build relationships based on honesty, and choose responsible behavior. We are promised serenity if we follow the steps.

               Gratitude for our survival is best expressed by working the program, setting an example for others, helping those women who haven’t yet attained victory. We must give away what we have learned to make way for our own new growth. There are many victories in our future if we keep pressing forward, opening new doors, and trusting in the process of the program and its promises.

I am still willing to learn or I wouldn’t be here, now. There are victories in my future. I will look for a victory today. It’s certain to accompany responsible action on my part.

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