Thursday, October 20, 2011

Low Self-esteem?

Everyone (not just addicts) go though low self-esteem.

I read this daily devotional out of  Believing In Myself and I think that everyone who relate to it.

October 20

When I finally realized there was no such thing as enough money, sex, or things to make me happy, I was finally on my way.
-George S

Low self-esteem often reveals itself as a hollowness in the pit of the stomach and an emptiness in the heart. That hole hurts. Many have attempted to fill that void with “goodies” that don’t do anything but make a bad situation worse.

George certainly was one of those. He had all the usual qualifications for low self-esteem-a long training session as a youth that taught him he had no rights and that he would never amount to anything. He heard the message loud and clear. He was totally unworthy of love. So he set out in a frantic search for something-anything-to heal the hurt with in. his method was a nonstop scramble for more money, more sex, and more toys. He got plenty of everything he was after. Yet he found that none of them helped. When he finally discovered that the “give me more” trail always dead ends, he began looking somewhere else. Eventually his journey took him into his own heart. Where he found what he had been looking for.

Today, George has a different view. His face glows when he says, “I didn’t need to have more, I needed to be more. Now I have value and worth because of who I am. My happiness doesn’t depend on any outside condition or acquisition.” Nearly bursting with pride, he says, “I am me, I am okay, and that’s enough.”

Today I recognize my greediness as spiritual hunger.

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