Ok, I have put off posting about Whitney Huston’s death because, well…many reasons. The biggest one is that I am mad about what people have been saying “She was an addict, who cares”
Well, her mother cares, her daughter cares, the rest of her family and friends care. SHE WAS STILL A PERSON regardless of rather she was an addict or not. She had feelings, she had issues, she had a life; rather it was the way it should have been lived by “people’s” standards or not.
So I wrote a whole post and sent it to Josh to edit…I got back “No” lol.
So because I can’t write this kind of post without being or sounding angry, Josh took over the post for me.
Thank you to Josh for bring the rational one on this blog J
I've been hearing alot of negative comments and opinions concerning Whitney Houston's death; many of which hit close to home. I am an addict (in recovery) just like Miss Houston was. Does it make her death any less tragic or worthwhile because she had an addiction to drugs? Was she still not a person, a mother, a daughter, a friend? She suffered from the DISEASE of addiction; and sadly her death is just one of many examples which shows what this disease ultimately leads to.
People say "well she had everything; money, fame, talent. She didn't have any problems the world was given to her and she just threw it all away on drugs." This herein lies the problem with the majority of what is being said about her life and death; none of us knew her. We assume she had a "perfect" life; though none of us can have any idea what was going on in her head or the pain she experienced on a daily basis. Yet as an addict myself, I can probably easily relate to some of what she felt because I've been there.
Addiction does not discriminate in any way, shape or form. It doesn't care what race you are, your gender, your education level, how much money you do/don't have, whether you’re famous or unknown; it can affect anyone. Many people out there (I used to be one of them-later found out) believe that it is a simple matter of willpower. I'm sure you've heard someone say "Well that will never be me because I have too much self-control and will power." Oh how nice this would be if only it were true.
Addiction attacks one's whole being; their mind, body, and soul. How can someone have more willpower than addiction when the addiction controls their willpower? Some may think, well I can do it for my kids because I love them so much. Yet again, if only our addiction didn't take over our power to love.
Addicts still love their kids, among many other people and things; yet only as much as the addiction allows them to. I'm not a doctor, scientist, or psychologist; just an addict in recovery who's lived it. Whitney Houston, and anyone else who is an addict or addict in recovery isn't weak; they simply have a disease. Though there is no cure, it is treatable. We learn to ask for help and rely on a power greater than ourselves (many call it a Higher Power or God) because we need a power greater than our addiction.
So unless you've lived in her or any other addicts shoes, maybe one should think twice before putting them down and assuming that it was their choice to become an addict. Do people choose to get cancer?, or become diabetic? Would we call these people weak because of their disease? I sure hope not.
Instead of knocking Whitney Houston and other addicts; we can use her death to help educate others about this fatal disease and maybe save many others from suffering the same fate. Thank you.